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LTTA in Vittoria, Italy​

From 2 to 8 February 2020

Local participants from Italy: 2 teachers and 24 students; Turkey: 2 teachers and 6 students; Hungary: 3 teachers and 6 students; Lithuania: 2 teachers and 6 students; Spain: 2 teachers and 5 students.

The second Learning/Teaching/Training Activity was held in Italy. It lasted for seven days. The Italian school prepared the program discussed and decided by the coordinators.


The students introduced the PPS/Prezi/video format documents about schools, cities, countries which they prepared before the exchange. The program included usual project activities but also activities about the subtopic "European instruments- Europass, Youth pass, ECTS etc. and other national instruments/certificates" as well as sample cover letters were one of the topics in the exchange.


The certification instruments were extremely important but still they are not well known tools; a program was planned and a guiding example was displayed to the pupils. On the other hand, the Italian school implements a project that they apply in their specific economics and entrepreneurial education lessons called "Establishing Training firms by students and doing business imaginatively". The students assume the roles of real managers, employers, employees, accountants, etc. and display the firms when they organize a firm trade in their school.


Throughout the 5 working days, students spent time together with their peers, joined lessons, games, traditional dances, listening to each other's music, developed social skills, discovered each other's culture and lifestyle, way of thinking, enhancing teamwork, practiced communicating in foreign language. Teachers' duties were to supervise and guide the students and evaluate the exchange.


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